Campus Update Regarding COVID-19 Precautions

This is an update on our precautions for 7725 Connect regarding the Corona Virus. We’re continuing to take extra precautions during this time to help keep you and your family safe and healthy. Most tenants are also arranging for additional cleanings and disinfecting within their spaces. The additional cleaning / disinfecting service is still available through First Maintenance. First Maintenance will also offer electrostatic disinfecting fogging, for large spaces,  beginning, Friday 3/13, should there be a confirmed case within a tenant’s space or on campus.

  • We will continue to do additional cleaning and disinfecting of our common areas, conference rooms, food areas and bathrooms, daily.  Additionally, we’ll continue to wipe down high-traffic areas like door handles, elevators, buttons and seating areas throughout the day.
  • We will continue to provide hand-sanitation stations and bottles of hand sanitizer, near entrances and high traffic areas.
  • We are closely following news from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH)  about best practices to contain the spread of the coronavirus. We’ll continue to update with the latest information and communicate it to you as necessary.

Of course, we need your help too! Here’s what you can do to keep yourself and others safe and healthy:

  • Notify 7725 Connect, immediately, should your company have an individual that has tested positive for COVID-19 and also been on campus. 
  • Avoid skin contact. While we love giving hugs, handshakes, and high-fives, try giving an elbow-bump, a big smile, or a friendly wave instead..
  • If you need to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with your sleeve or a tissue. Be sure to wash your hands immediately after.
  • Wash your hands often, and encourage your family and co-workers to do the same.
  • Be sure to use the hand-sanitation stations.
  • Don’t use public water fountains and bottle filling stations.
  • Leave doors and cabinets open, where possible, so as to limit the number of touches of handles and knobs.

If you are sick or suspect that you have come into contact with someone who has the virus, please stay home! The standard precaution/policy has become to self-quarantine for 14 days and receive a clean report from a doctor before returning to work. If you do not have a policy, please consider this approach.

You can stay informed with the facts and not rumors!  Here are a few links to official websites with factual information on this virus.

World Health Organization

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Oklahoma State Department of Health

Thank you for all of your cooperation

The 7725 CONNECT management team